Multimedia Broadcast

Social Media Coverage

While at the internship fair, I realized this was a great opportunity to allow those who couldn’t make it to get a look at the booths that were there. I asked some of the sponsors to provide a little information about their company and links to apply.

I am now working on a profile of security worker and wrestling coach, Mr. Phillips, which will incorporate sound bytes, embedded Facebook pictures, embedded Tweets, as well as video clips + interview clips meshed into an overall video on Mr. Phillips. Here is a sneak peek at what’s to come.

Sports Coverage

With staff changes over the years, one of the things that’s fallen to the wayside is sports coverage; only a few editorial board members (Angel, MiJin, and I) are athletes, so the focus of the staff tends to shift away from sports, which can be time-consuming to cover and difficult to write well. Through Thinglink, however, I’ve discovered a way to attack sports from a different angle, providing a fresh perspective to annual, ordinary events. 

Below is my most recent creation: it features the sights and scenes at the yearly home basketball double header held in support of a certain charity. Junior Mallory Brodnick’s “Kelly Strong” movement is well-known throughout the community; instead of telling the story, I decided to show it instead. Here you will find interviews, music, pictures, and sounds at different perspectives on the court. They all combine to give the viewer the ultimate audio and visual experience of what the game was like that night.

Other Thinglinks created by the staff and me can be found at My Cheerleading Semifinals and the Pep Rally Thinglink are the most highly viewed projects found on our portfolio; I had launched a Facebook campaign in fall 2016 to post all the photos I’d taken for a few articles for tjTODAY. This was used to publicize links to the online website. Included in the description were links to the tjTODAY Online articles featuring these Thinglinks. They both have around 2000 views as of February 1st. The pep rally Thinglink currently has 2145 views and features and sights and sounds of every corner of the gym including the musical sections.

Online Infographics

I anticipated that our “Voice to the Victims” article would be text-heavy and long; so, to compensate for the length, Angel and I used Infogram and Piktochart to formulate much of the statistics and main points into visually appealing infographics. They were embedded at key points in the piece to provide relevant information and keep the reader reading. In the following figure, we condensed the findings of reports and studies into terms and numbers that are simple for any reader to understand. Each Infogram also included links to sources and additional resources for the reader. I also used an Infogram in “Reconstructing Our Past” to contrast the demographics at TJ and Camdyn Davis’ middle school.

For full infographic, visit
infogam 2
For full infographic, visit
south county and tj
For full infographic, visit

Audio-Visual Connection

Our article titled “Highlights: Press conference with Superintendent Scott Brabrand” connected the words in the sections with audio clips we recorded during the conference, embedded through SoundCite. The recap incorporated pictures, audio, and clear headlines the guide the reader through the article.

friday school visits

For more, visit

I also used SoundCite in our online series on African-American students and staff: we used it to transfer our print article to online and I used it to provide room for Camdyn’s full-length quotes in the first article in our series. Where I summarized some of his language, I took sound bytes from our interview to give the reader the full picture.

mother talking and visiting land as a child
In this clip, Davis talks about the oral history of his family, when his mother sat down and talked to him about his heritage, and more.
angel peprah
In this clip, senior Angel Peprah, the only African-American girl in the senior class, urges readers to have a more positive outlook on affirmative action.

All stories can be found under the “being-1.5-in-100” tag on


A year ago, I decided to create a Storify to highlight all the Halloween costumes I was seeing on Twitter and Instagram. At the time, Storify wouldn’t embed into a article, so the Storify remained unpublished until now. I decided to include this in my portfolio because I had a fun time scavenging the tjTODAY_news social media feeds and checking out the cool costumes that my classmates had worn to school (before, sadly, Storify goes offline in May 2018).

Storify Link:

HTML File: